Friday, December 28, 2012

Apple Core UFO

Well, it's already Friday and close to the last day of the year! I've been looking at my UFO's and my patterns to try to decide what to schedule to work on for 2013. I've never really scheduled anything...just do this and that as the fancy strikes. Here's a block of my Apple Core ufo.
It's so funny how I've changed. When I made these blocks, the colors I used were bright to me. Now they look so dull! My taste has changed so much since I started this little quilt. Last July, I made a list of 4 UFO's and didn't quit working on them until they were finished. That worked for me but I didn't keep it up. I don't know why I do that...when something works, I quit doing it. Crazy. I hope to change that attention issue (or lack of attention issue).

Well, I'll keep pondering. I just found out that some people are coming from out of town tomorrow and want to come by. So now I have to clean. I wasn't going to do that until all the snow and mud were gone because Charlie and Lola don't just get their feet wet and muddy. I don't understand it. I never see them rolling around but they come in all wet. They're so talented!
Don't forget our New Year's Giveaway! If you haven't entered yet, you can find it HERE. Have a great day (what's left of it)! I hope you get a chance to sew! Cheery wave! Bev


Mike Pearson said...

I don't find those colors dull. I love them!

Karen said...

I have an Apple Core UFO too. Much less exciting colors than yours.

Anonymous said...

Our taste for everything in life will change just like the weather...hope you will be able to complete all your UFO's in a jiffy next year. Happy stitching.


gilly said...

Ah, Charlie & Lola are kindred spirits with my Ben & Jerry! Somehow they always manage to get their whole selves wet & muddy EVERY time they're outside.
Happy sewing & cleaning ;-)