I've been back in the quilt studio--something about having another grandbaby puts me in the mood to made baby quilts. Here's the latest little utility quilt - nothing fancy but large enough to cover the car seat and still wrap around the baby (who is going to arrive around October 5th) or to put on the floor for baby to play on. It seems like it's difficult to find bigger quilts and blankets for baby. This little "Around the World" quilt was made with Lily Pond pinks which we sell in our store, 44th Street Fabric. I love the colors and I wish I was better with the camera and the colors. I also made a little bed for Charlie and Lola out of Goth Baby blue flannel. Charlie is hogging the bed but I'm glad he's enjoying it. I'm going to try to get the other two quilt tops quilted for the baby and maybe make some bibs, etc. with the scraps. So fun to have an excuse to play in the quilt studio!
What a pretty little quilt!
Wow... You really have an eye for coordinating fabrics.. The quilt is beautiful!!
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