I only had 7 fabrics to use and the theme was monkeys. Here's a closeup of the little red monkey's quilt top.

So I'm whining about Instagram! I cannot figure it out and apparently it's the new "in" thing to do and everyone who is anyone is using it, blah, blah, blah. I can't figure out how to put my profile photo on there, how to put a banner up, how to find friends since apparently they all use other names on Instagram. I can understand because I had to use the name Fabric Woman because I could not get any of the permutations of my OWN name because they were all taken. I guess there is another Bev Bryan out there somewhere. I have taken a few photos and managed to get them put up but now there is another thing I have to remember to do every day. I did find Lori Holt's and Karen Walker's Instagrams and I did manage to get my Instagram icon on the blog and it links to my Instagram site.
Please feel free to visit.
Oh, and before I forget, if you are here for the Grow Your Blog giveaway, you can enter HERE. So I'm through whining (for now). I'm just having a rough time with no job and missing Charlie. I hope you are all happy, healthy and financially secure! That is what I wish for you! Have a great weekend. XOXO and still somewhat cheery wave from Bev
Love the Monkey and the quilt effect he is sleeping under...
Instagram will pass. It seems to me Instant and quilts are a bit of a contradiction in terms. I understand that my phone takes pictures but got no idea how let a lone how to zap it to the world.
Love the monkey quilt...dang stinking cute!!! Yup...I'm with you. My daughter set me up but that's where it sits. I'm hoping it is a passing thing as I am getting too old for more teckie stuff! I'm having a hard enough time retaining what is already in that pea shaped brain of mine!! :o))
Sending you hugs and lots of 'em. Somewhere there are new windows opening for us...we just have to adjust our bifocals & drag our saggy behinds up and over the sills! The monkey is waaay cute and I love the new picture of Lola! She's really pretty for a grumpy old girl! I can just hear her saying "Hrrumph!" Bless that son of yours and give him a big squeeze!
Don't know anything about Instragram. I'm not into it because I don't know how to do to. LOL
Sorry you are down in the dumps. A rainy and gray day doesn't help.
See - I can't even spell it!!!
For your profile pic on IG, while you're in the app click on the little person in the bottom right to get to your profile page. There, you'll see the default grey circle for the user pic in the top left. Touch it and you will get the option to put a photo in it's place. I'm not sure what you mean by putting up a banner. Feel free to email me if I can be more helpful. I'm @sarahmgoer on IG. Oh, for finding people, I've had good luck with looking on their blogs for a link to IG. :-)
Oh, and use the search feature to search hashtags (or click on hashtags when you see them in people's posts) to find people to follow. There are some AMAZING quilters who have participated in recent IG swaps. #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap #rainbowminiswap #disneyquiltswap2015 #igminiswap are a few I've participated in since I joined IG.
You'll love Instagram. If I'm really busy I can still check into Instagram. My user name is "sckett"
I love the monkey quilt. He's all tucked in and snug in his quilt.
That quilt is too cute for words. Listen I joined IG in December and love it! You can pop in and out in a flash. I am still learning too but us old dogs can learn new tricks. Go to my blog and click my button to follow. If I follow someone I click there face and see who they are following. You can find old and new friends there. It is so much fun. Do not give up! I will follow you!
Oh that monkey quilt is delightful Bev, I love it. So bright and cheery, glad you worked out instagram, once you use it more you will learn how it all works, you can find me there under lizziethequilter
I'm still having problems with instagram too, here's my profile http://instagram.com/redheaded_cat_lady/ I'm redheaded cat lady on mine. I think I set everything up on my computer which made it easier.
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