Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Quilt Humor and the Sale Continues!

Good morning! You know, sometimes life is so stressful that you just need a little humor. You may have seen these before but, in case you haven't, I hope they give you a smile today! Ah, Maury....

The fabric store! Look at the smile on her face..

My personal motto:
And last, but not least....I call this one "Trying to get a photo of your quilt when you live in OKLAHOMA"..

I would laugh at this last one if it wasn't so true! The half price ($4.50 a yard) fabric sale still continues! If you are interested in buying fabric, you can see it at the Etsy shop HERE. But please don't buy it there. Just email me at and I'll send you an invoice that reflects the sale price. Thank you to everyone who has been supporting my sale to keep Charlie in medicine! Love you guys! XO and cheery wave from Bev


Gayle said...

LOVE the cartoons! Thanks for the laugh

Danny Winters said...

Appreciate this bllog post