Saturday, December 20, 2014

American Girl Baby Doll Quilt is finished!

All our little 5-year-old Dylan wants for Christmas this year is American Girl babies and clothes for them. I used the Country Girl fabrics from the shop to make a baby doll quilt and just got it finished up this morning (our Christmas is tonight). I think it's really cute!
It's hard to get a good photo because it's so cloudy out. I used the Apple of my Eye fabric for the backing and binding. I forced myself to do minimal quilting and with the "cheater" fabric, this only took about 2 hours to finish.
And here's the little doll that is celebrating her 5th Christmas. She wanted to have her own Christmas cards made and has sent them out herself (with a little help from Daddy).
Pretty cute, huh! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! XO and cheery wave from Bev


Derrith said...

Bev: This is so adorable. Dylan will be so excited to receive it. I am just now emerging from the stress of (1) moving at my age (2) trying to unpack and still decorate for Christmas (3) taking care of 3 grandchildren for 3 weeks while doing the above. Anyway, I finally got to visit some blogs and yours made me smile. Love it! Derrith

Anonymous said...

Bev, Dylan is the right age for her doll and the darling quilt. My first two granddaughters had American Girl dolls as did their good friend. A friend gave me many patterns so I sewed clothes in threes...wool coats, cotton dresses and slips, pj's, gowns, baseball costumes, bedding and quilts for their doll trunks with the beds. We had tea parties when the girls brought their dolls to visit. Both granddaughters have since graduated from colleges, but have saved their dolls and clothing. The next two granddaughters received different American Girl dolls and I sewed just as many outfits for their dolls as well. Every baby doll I have donated to the police toy drive was wrapped in a small doll quilt and tied with a nice ribbon and bow. Tis the season.

barbara woods said...

She is adorable Bev

Karen said...

Darling cute! Beáutiful granddaughter!

margaret said...

a lovely doll quilt, not heard of the baby american dolls but think they be quite big? You family gathering will be over now has the washing up and cleaning up been done I wonder!

Missy Shay said...

She's adorable!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Aww what a cutie! And your quilt is just perfect! Merry Christmas!