Sunday, April 27, 2014

I gossiped again today....

I was going to work all day today but just couldn't resist finishing this block from Gossip in the Garden. It's made with Pam Kitty fabric. I sure wish I had more of those Pam Kitty blues but no fabric buying for me! I had to jump through hoops to find Charlie's medicine money. He runs out tomorrow! Well, anyway, here's the little block:

                            "There is nothing sweeter than a fresh pot of flowers..."

I don't know what it is about this little quilt. My embroidery is so rough that I would normally not want anyone to see it but I don't care. It's just fun. Here's what I've done so far (I'm a crazy woman collage maker now):

Let's see, what else is going on. Nothing really. I've pinned a bunch of quilting tutorials on Pinterest. You can see them HERE. Cute blocks and awesome tricks and tips. I hope they don't start charging for Pinterest or I might go into withdrawal! So, I'm off to try to do some work so my paycheck won't be so tiny. Hope your weekend was wonderful and that you and your loved ones are well! Have a happy week! XO and cheery wave from Bev


  1. your blocks look great. thanks for sharing them. :)

    Have a wonderful week!

  2. Ohhhhh! Look at your garden grow. Your stitching looks great! Off to check out your pinterest.

  3. these are coming along so very well, have signed up as a follower on pinterest, can not make such sense out of it or instagram but hopefully I will get better!


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for commenting! I love hearing what you think! XO