Saturday, April 26, 2014

A cupcake in the Garden and another FREE quilt pattern!

So this is kind of confusing but bear with me here! First is a little cupcake from the Gossip in the Garden quilt. It's part of a border for one of the inside quilt blocks.
So that's the total of sewing I've done in the last couple of days. Sad, huh! Well, today I was reading my favorite blogs and Sweet Paulette, whose blog, Sweet P Quilting and Creations is HERE, did a lovely post about her friend Glynis who took part in a free monthly BOM and finished it! Good for you, Glynis! Here is the free quilt pattern Glynis made up. Cute, right!

It's from the Red Brolly Blog and you can find it (for free) HERE.  This is an awesome blog that I didn't know about before Paulette shared it! The embroidery is a little to advanced for my skills but I'm going to print out the patterns for later. After I finish Gossip in the Garden, maybe I'll feel up to the challenge of these blocks. Did you notice that they combine applique like the Gossip quilt does? I'm a sucker for that! Well, have a great weekend! Hope you're doing something fun! Love you all! XO and cheery wave from Bev


  1. Thank you so much for this beautiful free pattern. I'm not sure which block to do first - they are all special.

  2. just wondering do you mean finish that is finish making the blocks or actually finish and complete the quilt!!
    thanks for the link off to check it out now Bev, only teasing hope you do not mind!


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