Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday Fabric Pull

I've been working like crazy at my "real job" all week. We have a new client and I still have to work on my old client's writing assignments so no time for sewing. Sometimes, when I'm writing, I just have to take a break.So I pulled some fabrics to have handy for quick projects. But really, it's so I can pretend that spring flowers have bloomed and the yard is awash in color when I look at it. We aren't quite there yet but it's just around the corner!
I am happy just looking at them. I will sew all day tomorrow for sure...I'm almost finishished writing about LandLord Tenant Acts! Two more states! I tell ya, it's making the Google bots crazy...they don't know what ads to send me-lol. Hope you have a great day! I'm thinking of you while I work! XO and cheery wave from Bev


  1. What fun spring colors! Have a happy weekend!

  2. There's no way I could work with those staring at me. Lovely bundle!

  3. Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.netMarch 28, 2014 at 5:06 PM

    Those are happy fabrics. Glad you will be able to sew Sat.

  4. Gorgeous array of fabric - makes me smile!


  5. what a beautiful selection of fabrics you have here Bev, enjoy your sewing day. Will be good to get a break from your writing job but remember without out it there would not be all the lovely fabrics and quilts you make


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