Saturday, March 29, 2014

Better late than never!

Saturday! Love this day! It could be a tad warmer but I'm not complaining! I just wanted to sew today so I put together my Scrappy Trip Along blocks. Here's a photo but I've pinned it up on some of my fabric shelves so it looks distorted. It isn't.
Here it is uncropped so you can see the size better:
I can't get good light in here but don't have a place outside to hang something. Now I have to decide whether to put a border on it or to just put a dark binding, like red or aqua, to stop motion. Also, I'm wondering if I should add more blocks and make it bigger. I'm thinking it would be nice to have a throw for the couch. These are so fast and easy that I might just make another. So what's up with you guys today? Hope your weather is great and you are having fun! XO and cheery wave from Bev


  1. Beautiful quilting! I think an aqua border will be really pretty. It is so nice here this afternoon. I went to the Expo Center this morning. Our major newpaper had a garage sale you could buy booths in. There were 220 booths! (Can you tell it made me crazy?)LOL But, I didn't buy much - it really was true garage sale junk.

    I did find a couple of Estate sales and good garage sales tho.

    Have a great weekend.


  2. Such a happy quilt, I think borders would sadden this one, unless they too were super scrappy. I vote for more blocks to make it bigger or just add a colorful binding.

  3. Such a pretty and bright quilt. My vote is for more blocks to make it bigger. I think a border would spoil the movement.

  4. I love this, so bright and fun. Look like Popsicle colors!

  5. Do you ever sleep Bev? this is looking great and both colours would work well for the binding. A nice cheerful throw to snuggle under in the winter if a bit bigger

  6. I love the colors you chose! I think it would look great either way, if you want it bigger, then add a border! When I finish mine, I am only going to add a border if it is not big enough to hang over my bed.

  7. It's just beautiful, Bev - as always when I read your posts, I have quilt envy!
    I think a lovely border picking out one of the colours would be lovely and finish it off nicely before binding.
    hugs xx

  8. I love your color selections! I vote for no border, aqua binding.

  9. Love how it turned out. Your colors are so cheerful!

  10. Glorious colors. This quilt is so beautiful!
    From my point of view : just an aqua binding.

  11. Wow, so fun and happy. It looks great!


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for commenting! I love hearing what you think! XO