Thursday, April 18, 2013

Gina's Bomb Scare! (and mine)

Yesterday my daughter, Gina, taught a Zumba class in downtown Oklahoma City. We had a huge storm with tornado warnings coming in and when she left her class to go to her car, the police had blocked off the area because someone found a suspicious box that was abandoned.
 Here are the AFT bomb guys putting together their bomb removal robot.
Here's the box (under the fence). I can't believe Gina got close enough to take this photo. If it had been a bomb (it might have been--they haven't said yet), she could have been really hurt or worse. As a Mom, it kills me that she is so fearless. Her car was what was worrying was parked about 20 feet away from the box. It took about an hour but they removed the box and Gina made it home before the storms. We missed the tornadoes and tennis ball sized hail and we got a lot of rain. It's cold and is going below freezing every night this week though.

I am so grateful that we have such wonderful, brave law enforcement officers. I'm grateful that all of my children and grandchildren are okay. I pray for the mothers and fathers who aren't so fortunate. You just never know what your day will bring. Today, my day will be spent in thanking God for our health and well-being and asking Him to help those who have lost or injured loved ones and to keep us all safe. Bev


Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Oh my gosh! That is very scary for a Mom. I am glad your DD is ok and all is well too. And very thankful! Have a great day!

Lisa said...

What a scary day! That is what thr terrorist do is take our security away! Almost anything is making me jumpy! Like you I am grateful for my hubby and babies all being safe and so very sorry for the ones who lost their loved ones. Praying for the people who are injured in Mass and West, Tx to have strength and recovery.

20 North Ora said...

Isn't it a scary time in our world? So glad your daughter and her car are ok. Lots of crazy people out there.

Take care.


Dana Gaffney said...

So scary, I hope you told her never to do that again when you finished hugging the heck out of her.