My Story by Lola
My name is Lola, I am a shih tzu and I want to tell you my story. I was born in a place called a puppy mill. I lived there with 40 other doggies. We all shared little pens that were built originally to be rabbit hutches. They were up off the ground and had chicken wire floors. We didn't get to go outside our pens very often. When we did, we were taken into a building called a garage and there we were bred to other pups. I was always afraid. My friends and I always got excited when people came around but that wasn't very often. We drank our water out of bottles suspended from the cages. My eyes hurt a lot and I had thick yellow fluid in them and it was hard for me to see. I had some sores and lots of skin problems. I also had a bladder infection. I was very sick. I was grateful that I was not at the puppy mill alone but I was sorry my dog friends had to live this way too.
One day some people called animal control officers came to the puppy mill with some policemen. The people who owned the puppy mill ran away from them. The animal control officers found a big pile of dead doggies that weren't even buried. We were all so happy to see these nice people but were a little afraid of what might happen to us now! We could not understand why the animal control officers and policemen were crying when they saw us. They took us to a place called a shelter. Then some people called volunteers and vets and vet techs came in and they were really nice to us. They gave us baths and hair cuts. That was really scary! They gave us physical exams and even gave us shots. They were very sad that they had to help 20 of us go to the Rainbow Bridge. Those 20 doggies were just too sick. I was sad to see my friends go away.
This is not the end of my story though! Some people from a place called Pets and People came and got us! They called everybody to find us forever homes! They called my Mommy and told her about me and she came right away and took me home! I was so sick that during the first few days I don't remember much. I know I made 4 trips to my very own vet those first 3 days. The medicine I got from the vet made me start feeling better.
I have a brother named Charlie who is also a shih tzu! He was not very happy about me coming to live with him! Everything was new and scary! I did not know how to drink from a water bowl. I would lay down with my paws on each side of the bowl, take a deep breath and plunge my face in the water! I have learned how to drink like a big girl now. I did not know how to go down stairs and had some close calls learning how! I also had never been on grass! Boy, that stuff was weird! I have been watching Charlie closely to learn new things! He does something called playing. That's what I am learning now.
It is hard for my Mommy to take my picture cause I want to be touching her all the time. It feels good to be next to her and I am learning not to be afraid of the people I meet. We went to a place called the dog park and it was very hard for me. It brought back memories of the puppy mill and I was afraid my Mommy was going to leave me there. I know Charlie would not have minded too much if she had. I still shake a lot and new things scare me but I am what Mommy calls a "trooper". I wish I could thank all the people who saved me and the other 19 doggies that lived and found forever homes. I wish I could thank all people everywhere who rescue doggies and kitties from terrible situations and find them homes. They are true heroes. I have to go now. My adventure continues! Charlie has something called a greenie. I'll bet there is a greenie for me too.
Life is good!
Lola's story was written in August of 2002. She knows how to play now and is loved and cherished. She and Charlie are great friends and she's afraid of nothing now. If you are getting a dog, please get a shelter dog! If you aren't getting a dog, please consider adding a no-kill rescue to your charity list. If you don't have the money to donate or a way to help your local shelter, please pray for these little ones. Thank you from the lucky Mommy of Charlie and Lola.
I live in Sri Lanka and we have a shitzu called Googly. He is also very timid and nervous and though he came to us from a breeder there is terrible separation anxiety with him. He permanently follows me around and when I leave for office tries to get into the car. Our house has people in it the whole day so he is not left alone at any time. The story of Lola touched me so much.
Thank you for this. My heart cries for so many animals. Both of my dogs are rescues. We saved Maya young enough that she doesn't have too many problems. My Brady Bug is always by my side, he needs to know where I am. He is slowly learning to play, but it's as if he doesn't understand the concept. One day at a time. I really need a bigger house for more of these guys.
I think my heart just broke. I'm a cat-owner, all all of my little guys have been rescues. Thank you for sharing Lola's story--I hope it touches many, and brings home to people that shelter animals really do need their care and love!
Oh wow....we rescued a little terrier from a shelter and that was the best dog we ever had.
What a touching story. I'm so glad Lola is so loved and cared for now. I am a cat person but I too have always adopted rescues.
Our lab is a shelter dog, our cat is a shelter cat--even our two boys are adopted. It is a wonderful, wonderful way to build a family. There are many issues to work through, but the rewards are tremendous.
After all, God adopts us into HIS family, remember?
We too have a rescue dog and cat. They are wonderful additions to our family. Thank you for helping spread the word.
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