At first you feed the birds. One little feeder. Then you notice that the feed is disappearing rather quickly. So in a few weeks, you buy a bigger feeder. Then you notice the little squirrels. They are so cute! Little defenseless squirrels...
This is how it looks when you miss ONE day of feeding the little, defenseless squirrels....sigh....
I was already a dog slave.... sigh....
My stepmom used to feed the birds and squirrels, and I guess from the squirrels hoarding and replanting the seeds, all of a sudden we had these MONSTER sunflowers all over our flowerbeds... The stalks were almost 3 inches in diameter and each one had at least 10 flowers on them! We can only assume it was from the squirrels burying so many in the same hole, or possibly they were already cracked open and grew together, because we didn't PLANT any of them! They were so strong and grew so fast that my dad had to dig them each out with a shovel because he couldn't pull them out!
Uh oh! Looks like your a slave to someone else now too!
That's the cutest picture ever!
This is such a great picture!
Squirrels just want you to think they are cute. Then they show you their true colors, LOL!
Too funny! I'm sorry this happened to you! My dad always gets his pumpkins destroyed by squirrels...he even has a photo of the tail end of a squirrel poking out of the pumpkin (caught in the act, I guess).
I have had my own squirrel wars. They defy me. They laugh. They flick their tails and just sit there.
Up until Dec, there were no squirrels, Bonnie Doon made sure they stayed up in their trees. After she died the squirrels became brave. Dutch doesn't even get up to watch them and Chloe the Smelly Basset, who is decended from some fine rabbit dogs, just rolls over on the other side.....
Sigh.......now I am buying more feed.
That's a really neat pic.
If we don't keep the bird feeders full, the squirrels come and nibble on the cooler where we keep the seed. We just had to replace the last one as the holes were getting bigger and bigger. LOL They are so bad, but yet so cute.
cute picture of a curious squirrel!
Looks like Mr. Squirrel is more destructive than cute! Better watch them...friends of ours closed up the house for the winter and headed to Arizona for 5 months...when they returned, they were greeted by awful destruction from a couple of squirrels that somehow got inside. Thousands of $$$ worth of damage & their insurance does not cover that kind of repair work.
Thanks for visiting my blog recently and have a good week. Keep an eye on those furry critters.
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