The Schwants

Upstate Lisa

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Red Quilts

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Kims Big Quilting Adventure


Bluebird Notes Blogspot

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Angry Chicken
I love to read other people's blogs. Recently I've noticed a trend--almost a disturbing trend. People are taking pictures of their feet and posting them on their blogs! There are shod feet, bare feet, toenail-painted feet, group feet, family feet...what is up with this? I thought maybe I was just imagining the number of feet on blogs so started collecting them. I stopped at 24 when it occurred to me that I've made my point. If I had known how to make a collage, I would have done that. Here are just a few "representative" feet. Anyone know what has sparked this phenomenon?
Not foot blogging on my blog - I want people to visit not be turned off by my ugly 'hoofs'!
You know, I really don't know what it is with all of the feet...but they are definitely out there a LOT! Of course, I need a manicure before I take any photos of my feet!
I think it's because all 20,000 tv channels break into a series of commercials for Ped Eggs, Heel-Tastic, Miracle Foot Repair, Detox Patches on feet, Fungi-Cure Toenail Kit and whatever other product require showing rhino-skinned, black-clawed feet every 10 minutes during the prime snacking hours.
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