Thursday, May 8, 2014

Gossip Block F finished and a new granddog!

I finally finished big old Block F of the Gossip in the Garden quilt. It's raining today so I had to take a photo in the house.
But here's the BIG NEWS! My son and daughter-in-law finally got the little girls a puppy! Her name is Harper and she is a "mixed" breed. I have no idea what the mix might be but she is adorable!

I'm pretty sure she's part doxie and I have no idea what else. The wiggling, kissing, cuteness just makes me happy. Eric and Ginny are building a new house so I'm glad they are getting the puppy part under control before the house is ready. The girls (age 7 and 11) are great with her. So happy news from here! We had bad storms last night but no damage. Hope your Thursday is wonderful! XO and cheery wave from Bev


  1. Doxies are the very best, just no jumping from the furniture....

  2. Your quilt is adorable and so is your grand-puppy! -Derrith

  3. What a cute puppy! Love the quilt. Anxious to see it finished.


  4. Really liking the quilt blocks. Trying to resist another project.

    And the puppy - CUTE!How fun for the girls.

  5. Seeing that smile on your granddaughters face says it all! What a darling addition to the family. She looks a little like a black lab. Many fun days ahead for the girls.

  6. that is a super block you have done here. Not heard of a doxie? looks pretty cute though


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