Friday, March 14, 2014

It's Friday and I need opinions please!

It's Friday and I'm finished with all of my writing assignments for the week! Yipee! So I'm going through the UFO stack last night and I found this one and took a pic to show you. I'm wondering if I should just leave the little border that I put on just to stop all the activity from the triangles OR

Should I add another border? Maybe a red one? What do you guys think? I'd appreciate any suggestions. So what's up for you this weekend? I understand that tomorrow is National Quilt Day or something. Are you going to celebrate? How are you celebrating? Sounds like a great reason to buy more fabric! That's what I'd do if I had the $$. Guess I'll have to just sew and look at Charlie--my $4200. (so far) doggie!

And look! Green grass! WOOOO! XO and Cheery Wave! Bev


  1. It looks really great as it is, but then again that's just a narrow liitle band of beach around the lagoon! I'd be tempted to add that red border, then there'd be more space for volleyball games and sandcastle building!

  2. I think red biding instead of a red boarder may be a great way to go to add that extra pop -- unless you are needing to make it larger.

    it looks great.

  3. I think I would just put a red binding on it, of course it depends on if you want the quilt bigger or not.

  4. I'm with Katie. I like it just the way it is, and I'd add a red binding, solid rather than print.

  5. It IS beautiful just the way it is, and you might quilt it and just call it finished. If you want a real radical idea. . . Do you have any of that blue border fabric left, or something similar? You could cut this into say three, or six panels, and put a strip of blue, or maybe red, in between. Don't rip out, just cut down the middle of a row. Might be the jazz you're seeking.

  6. I wouldn't add another border. I like it just the way it is. If you want to add some red to it just add a red binding to it.

  7. I like how it looks now but could see it with a red border too. I like it a lot! That expensive doggie is very cute - so glad he's doing well. And I'm ready for green!! We've been having sunshine which sure cheers me up!
    Tomorrow will be sewing day and I may go fabric shopping where my sister works for some backing and border fabrics. Had to put myself on a fabric fast except for borders and backing. Need to get a few UFO's finished up around here.

  8. I'm with everyone else... Just add red binding, I think it looks awesome! We probably have grass too...under 8 feet of snow 😵

  9. Just bind it..let the design be the star!

  10. i'd be tempted to add a red border and bind it in red. Seems like your eye needs a little bit more 'stop' to the triangles.
    But what do i know? You are awesome at everything you do!! Go with what you feel.... it's all about 'feelings' lol

  11. My 2 cents worth, a red border since you have tied in the blue and then the same red as binding. It is stunning!

  12. I would add a red border. I (we) am in Lancaster for the quilt show! Have shopped yesterday and today at the local quilt the bargains. L

  13. Yup...add the red binding...but first audition a red border too! does it need it or is the binding enough??

  14. I think it's very pretty just like it is. I wouldn't add another boarder unless you need it to be larger. And I agree with the others about binding in red.

  15. quilt looks good as it is but think yes a border or binding of red will really make it pop.
    Charlie is looking good, enjoying a bit of sun no doubt

  16. I'd add a thin white border(ricrac or flange would work also) and a larger red border. Bind with the same red. Or just add the white ricrac with the red binding. Lori Holt did a tutorial for this recently.

  17. I'd leave it as it is, and maybe use red again in the binding. I think the triangles pop and a wider red border would dull them a bit.

  18. It looks great as it is, but I think I'd add another border.

  19. As the rest of the quilt is red, blue and white I think I'd add two further borders, both red and white! or a white border and then red binding or vice versa. I think that would give it real impact! However, it also looks good just as it is!! Isn't it nice to have options? Good luck with whatever you decide.

  20. With a busy center I would say a nice wider border of red solid would be perfect. To me that would bring more balance to the quilt.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for commenting! I love hearing what you think! XO