Monday, March 17, 2014

How cool is this pattern?? It's free!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! People are making their blogs green but I am too lazy so imagine that my blog is green, okay? Thanks! I thought I'd share this amazing quilt pattern that is unique to me...I've never seen it before. The person who apparently designed it has shared it on her blog.
The blog this pattern is from is the Ivan and Lucy blog HERE and the pattern is shared HERE. Isn't that an awesome pattern? Have you ever seen it before? I would love to make a quilt from this! I'm not sure I can figure out how to re-draft the pattern from her photos though. Thank you to Ivan and Lucy! Well, hope you all have a Happy St. Pat's Day! Happy Birthday to dear, sweet, talented Judy from 20 North Ora blog! Hope you have a wonderful day, Judy! XO and cheery wave from Bev P.S. Let me know if you are able to re-draft this pattern!


  1. Thanks for the birthday greeting!! That is a very unusual pattern. Looks like a chain!

    Have a sunshiny day!!


  2. the pattern looks a bit like some of the tools that come with the wedding ring templates, there seem to be quite a few different shapes these days that they sell on our craft channel

  3. I want to make this chain, but I have the same problem. I don't know how to draft the pattern. I'm at a loss for how to proceed.

  4. I love the pattern, looks hard though...

  5. It is as well the first tiome I see this pattern. Very nice!

  6. Can't seem to find this pattern. The link says you need an invitation. Can you help?

  7. I need an invitation to join your blog. I would love to buy this chain pattern.

  8. Did you manage to draft the pattern? I couldn't get into the site.
    I drafted it by printing the photo, then reproducing it on a copier to the size I want
    You'll end up with 5 pieces, appliquéd to the background.

  9. When I click on the pattern is here link, I get a sign in with my google account site ! :(

  10. This pattern is in a Georgia Bonestel (Sp?) book that I have. It is an old pattern.

    1. What is the name of Georgia Bonesteel’s book that has this chain link pattern? Thanks!!!

  11. The link for the pattern doens't work :(

  12. I got the pattern and templates from the book Feathering the nest by Brigitte Giblin. The original quilt is from the 1930’s


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for commenting! I love hearing what you think! XO