Monday, February 24, 2014

Sunday-work at "real job" and Downton

Yesterday I worked at my "real job" and stitched up one of my New York Beauty blocks:
I have 6 blocks cut out to do and then the pieced border for this quilt. The season finale of Downton Abby was disappointing. Well, back to the "real job"! I'm finally caught up so have to write every day. Hope your Monday is great! XO and Cheery Wave from Bev


  1. Ooh, this block is gorgeous! Yep, a bit disappointed with Downton last night. When it started I thought I had missed an episode. Lots of loose ends to be tied up next season I guess.

  2. Gorgeous block. Love the blue and yellow. While we don't have sunshine today, at least it's not freezing or snowing!



  3. colours work so well together and the points wow wonderful

  4. Nice work on the block!! I was a little disappointed too..and didn't realize it was the season finale. Seems like it just started! I also don't like when they skip forward in time so much. Oh well.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for commenting! I love hearing what you think! XO