Friday, August 31, 2012

Up to my ears in Unfinished Projects! or Things are normal around here!

It's Friday! Yea! I have to work Sunday and Monday! Boo! Really, I'm not complaining...I have a job, I can work at home with Charlie and Lola and I'm grateful. Yesterday I did some sewing between assignments and thought I'd show you what I got done. I finished the little square strip for Row 1 of Lori Holt's Row Quilt Along.
It's hanging on my "door of unfinished projects" as I call it. As long as I keep making progress, I don't have to call it the "door of shame"! I don't know if you can even see it among my ufo's. I have one of those closet pant hangers with clips hanging on the door and some plastic hangers with clips that I hang on the door hanger so that my finished, ironed blocks are out of the way. It looks pretty messy but it works.
Here are some blocks for Peri's quilt. I like separating them by color so that I can keep track of the colors and do an even amount.
I have about 50 (less than half) of them done. I'm going to try to do a bunch more tomorrow.
I keep my Farmers Wife blocks on the "door of unfinished projects" too. I think I may start all over on these blocks after I have enough to make a wall hanging. I just don't like the colors for these blocks. I see what others have done with their FW blocks and I really like their colors better. It takes over 100 of those little blocks to make a Farmers Wife finished quilt. I hate to make that many blocks and then not like them. I'm thinking about that. This is exactly the kind of thing that makes me stop working on a project and set it aside.
I have 4 of Lori Holt's Great Granny Quilt Along blocks almost done. Only the ends and trimming need to be finished on these four blocks.

They look kind of ratty now because they aren't ironed and trimmed. Now I've written a long, boring blog post to avoid going to work. Today I'm writing about men's jeans. I hope everyone enjoys their Friday and has a safe holiday weekend! Cheery wave from Bev

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Good Morning! I can't believe it's Thursday already! If you remember from previous blog posts, I felt bad about starting Lori Holt's "Great Granny Along" before I finished more UFO's or Peri's quilt. I have to say, I'm a huge fan of Lori! I buy at least some of the fabrics for the shop from each of her lines. But I also love her projects! She has just started another one....sigh. I guess I'll be doing that one too.

It's a row quilt for beginners. I love doing beginning quilts because they are fast and fun and it's a no-think-just-sew activity. She has not shown the finished quilt so it's a mystery. So far, she's given detailed instructions for choosing fabrics, cutting and sewing the first row. If you want to check it out, her blog is Bee in my Bonnet. You can click on that link and see her fabric choices for this project (which, of course, I love}.

The two fabrics shown on my blog today are from her latest line, Polka Dot Stitches. I really like the fact that every one of her fabric lines coordinates with previous lines. So take my advice and don't go to Lori's site if you don't want to do a new quilt project!

Don't forget to enter our HALLOWEEN GIVEAWAY! Have a wonderful Thursday! Cheery wave from Bev

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

For Our Blogger Friends Who Commented Yesterday!

Yesterday I asked my blogger friends if they would visit my daughter's new blog and comment and encourage her. Some of you did that for me and Gina and I really appreciated it! So....
She is giving away to each person who visited her blog (or who commented on my blog that they visited her blog but couldn't leave a comment because of the "make sure you aren't a robot thingie" which she has now removed) some of her pottery Girlfriend Hearts and Doo-Dads! Here's a picture of a few of them. They are fun to put in a little bowl or on a shelf. I've used the smallest Doo-Dads flowers (about 1.5") as big buttons on a purse by gluing a shank on the back. You can use them anywhere or give them for gifts. Gina's Doo-Dads are cute and fun and we will send some to our blogger friends who were so sweet to Gina yesterday!

Just send your mailing address to me at: if you commented yesterday on either or both of our blogs. I feel like Oprah--everyone who commented gets a prize! Thanks again from the bottom of my heart for supporting Gina! Especially to those who encouraged her fabric a fabric junkie, I can hardly wait to see her fabrics!

Have a great Wednesday! Cheery wave from Bev

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Could you guys help?

My daughter, Gina, has been living on her own with 3 teens and 2 dogs for over a year now. She's an artist (both commercial and painting), a potter and teaches Zumba and Body Pump (unlike her sedentary Mom). I've been encouraging (nagging) her to do a blog because blogging has been so great for me. As you can see, she's super busy. Well, she finally set up her blog over the weekend! Yea!

 So I was wondering if I could ask you a favor? Could you take a minute to click over to her blog and leave a comment? I know she would love it! You can reach her blog HERE

You have all been so great to me. When I share something sad, you comfort me. When I am happy, you cheer with me. I feel like we are friends and I'd love for you to meet my family.

 Gina has an Etsy shop for her art and she has put everything in her shop on sale at 25% off (good until 9/5) for blogging friends only. If you are interested in anything in her shop, the coupon code is: YayBlogIsUp25. Gina is represented by several galleries, has won numerous awards for her art and been featured in several magazines. Her Etsy shop is HERE.

She has started to do pottery again. Woot! And (this is the BEST) she's designing a line of fabric! I'm so happy to see her blossoming. I would love to have you meet her!

Thank you and have a great Tuesday! Cheery wave from Bev

Monday, August 27, 2012

Happily Looking at Colors

Between writing assignments, just to relieve boredom, I love to go to and look at color combinations.

It makes me dream of quilts made from these colors.

I thought I'd share this beauty with you.

This website just makes me happy!

Stealing a look between writing about socks and writing about pond pumps keeps me sane (well, as sane as I can be).

I hope you enjoy these gorgeous photos!

Have a good Monday! Cheery wave from Bev

Sunday, August 26, 2012

I tried to resist...I really did!

I was only going to work on Peri's quilt yesterday...but, I couldn't resist. I did more Farmer's Wife blocks. They are bright colors in red, orange, yellow, turquoise, lime and hot pink.
I'm thinking that they will have to be separated by white...a lot of white. They are like popcorn...they are so much fun to make. I read that they were addictive from other bloggers but it's true. It doesn't take that long to do these little 6" blocks. The stories about each block in the Farmer's Wife book are so interesting.
I did work on Peri's quilt blocks (see in the right corner below). There are 13 new ones that I only need to add the final border on. Then I succumbed to the Great Granny along from Lori Holt. I've seen the blocks (and finished quilts) from the participants and felt the pull of desire to make one myself. I lost the battle yesterday.
Since the blocks are 2.5" squares, and Peri's quilt leftovers are 2.5" strips, it seems like a natural. It's more economy quilting! I've almost got one block finished but I had to quit to work today. I didn't even blog yesterday. Just sewed and cut all day. It was heavenly. Here's the link if you want to join up or see the gorgeous finished blocks that people have done:
Warning though, it will be hard to resist doing one (or more) quilts from this fast, easy, pretty block. I'm always amazed how different all the blocks look when the sashing and colors are different. 

Hope the rest of your weekend is great! Don't forget to enter our HALLOWEEN GIVEAWAY! Cheery wave from Bev (who is going to work now...sigh)...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Crazy Friday Fun!

Look what I won in a giveaway! Woot! All these goodies came from French General! I love their products and just made a comment on Kaari's blog. She gave everyone who commented that day a surprise giveaway! I think I'm going to do that too! Just pick a day and send everyone who comments some fat quarters or patterns or something. How nice is that?
The other fun thing I'm doing today is working! Sometimes in my work I get to write about things I love and today it's dishes! On sale no less! Some of them are on sale for 50% off and there is an additional 15% coupon so it's 65% off! (no, I don't get paid to write about this dishes sale...sigh...)
Look! Fiesta! in RED! On sale! Did I mention I'm kind of a dishes freak? If you aren't, read no further...
Then there's this awesome set of aqua (no red sadly) dinnerware from Home Accents.

I love, love, love the serving dishes.
So cute! The shapes are wonderful!
And these dishes are from Laurie Gates. She is so talented!
All of these sale dishes and the on-line coupon for an additional 15% off are at Belk. The coupon is at the top of the page and is good for most of the sale things on their site. And no, I don't work for Belk. I do write about them in my work though. I just wanted to share these cool dishes with those of you who, like me, have a "dish thing". Hope you have a happy Friday! Cheery wave from Bev

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cute Ways to Embellish Bunting!

People who have entered our HALLOWEEN GIVEAWAY and customers from the shop who have purchased bunting panels from Riley Blake Designs have been clamoring (well, asking) for the embellishment tutorial by Amanda Herring, the designer of the Delighted bunting.

In her tutorial, she actually quilts the bunting panel and then cuts out the flags. I never would have thought of that!

All of Amanda's embellishment ideas can be used for the Halloween bunting that you can buy in our 44th Street Fabric shop! So cute!
Hope you enjoy the tutorial! Have a happy Thursday! Cheery wave from Bev

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Do You Dress Your Dogs for Halloween?

Good Wednesday morning! I was wondering if anyone dresses up their dog for Halloween? I found an adorable pattern maker who does equally adorable Halloween patterns for dogs and am wondering if they would sell? Would you buy a pattern or is it easier to just buy a ready-made costume? Here are some of my favorite costumed dogs!

Don't forget to enter our HALLOWEEN GIVEAWAY (details in yesterday's post).
Let me know what you think about the dog costumes and have a happy Wednesday! Cheery wave from Bev

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Welcome to our HALLOWEEN GIVEAWAY! Don't be afraid...the goulies and ghosties in this fabric selection won't be too frightening...or will they? Mwah.ha.ha...
This giveaway includes 8 Halloween themed and dotted fat quarters from the shop AND a panel of fun  bunting that spells out Happy Halloween!
Here's the bunting I made up that didn't include any of the cute embellishments you can add or the dotted flags that make it bigger. Gina got it before I could even get it finished!
All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post! If you become a follower, you get another chance! If you post about this giveaway on your blog and leave a link to your post in a comment, you get 3 extra chances! If you tweet about this giveaway and post a link in a comment, you get an extra chance!

 The Halloween Giveaway will end on September 16th and the winner will be announced on September 17th. That will give you 6 weeks to do some Halloween projects with your new fabrics!

Thanks for entering and good luck! Cheery wave from Bev

Monday, August 20, 2012

And the Winners Are.....

Rather than use, I decided to have Sawyer, my grandson, choose two winning numbers out of his head. The first part of the video didn't make it to the screen for some unknown (to me) reason. But Sawyer will vouch for me that I told him to just pick the numbers randomly. I can't wear my glasses when I shoot video so there was a little confusion but Sawyer cleared that right up. The winning number was 14 for the fabrics and 127 for the pattern book.

The winner of the fat quarters and bunting panel is:  Sallie of Sallie's Sampler blog
The winner of the Collections Two pattern book is:  Gwen of In my own little corner blog

If Sallie and Gwen will send their mailing address to me at:, I'll get those prizes out to you right away.

Thanks to everyone who participated! I wish I have 166 prizes to give away! Tomorrow I'll start the HALLOWEEN GIVEAWAY! Check on that for spooky fun! 

Have a great Monday and thanks again! Cheery wave from Bev

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Economy Quilting

I was working on Peri's quilt yesterday and I thought I would share this with you. Peri's quilt and dog collars I make and other quilts use 2.5" strips. You can buy 2.5" strips in rolls from almost every fabric company. So what do you do with the leftover strips when you make a quilt? I always seem to have 6" to 8" leftovers when I use a 2.5" by WOF strips. These strips are perfect for a circle block. You can cut a wedge shape from these leftovers with any wedge ruler. Each block for my measurements uses 40 strips so I piece them by 10's. It takes just a little time to cut and sew these segments up. Here's a pic of 4 segments that will eventually end up in what I call a gypsy quilt.

This will go on an 18" block background. BTW, I know the black and white ones stick out. There will be more of them in the finished blocks...or they might be taken out.

The AUGUST GIVEAWAY ends today. I thought about using the random number generator but found out it costs money to do that! I'll figure out some other way to draw numbers (not with the dogs...I'd have to write the numbers on liver for them to be interested in doing that). Be sure to check tomorrow for our winners and on Tuesday for our next giveaway!

Have a happy Sunday! Cheery wave from Bev

Saturday, August 18, 2012

My Fraidy Cat!

Happy Saturday! It FINALLY rained some! Woot! We're in the worst of the drouth zone. Not all of us are happy about the rain though.

Charlie is afraid of thunder. I did get to work on Peri's quilt today but had to do it with Charlie on the sewing table. He crawls up my leg into my lap when it thunders. I looked at "thunder shirts" but they are like $60! He's 14 so I don't think he's going to outgrow it. He was left tied up in a back yard as a puppy and the people actually moved away! Can you imagine? I have always wondered if he was out in a bad storm. Well, he won't have to worry. He won't be out in a storm ever again! Have a good Saturday! Cheery wave from Bev