Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Just had to show you some of the dishes my little potter, Gina, made for the shop! Aren't they yummy? She's so talented (and I'm not just saying that because she is my daughter). She does paintings too! I always want a bunch of the pottery pieces she makes but I know they have to go to the shop...sigh...and they sell so fast. Heck, I'm still waiting on a lampshade she promised me in 2008.
The bee and the fleur delis are my favorites! I love the shape of the long, skinny bowl too. I asked Gina and she said she will ship anything you are interested in or if it is gone, she will make you one. If you are interested, just comment on this post with your email address and I'll get it to Gina and you can talk about size, color, pattern, etc. Make more of these, Gina. I'll be up to get mine!


  1. Talented girl! Love the simplicity and elegance.

  2. These are so fabulous!

    Thanks so much for stopping by my bloggy Bev!

  3. She is very talented indeed! Beautiful unique plates!

  4. I see that I'm a bit late in commenting on this, but I must say I'm a huge fan! I actually purchased 3 plates (bunny, carrot, & chick) over 2 years ago at a TJMaxx. Two broke and I hold my last one near and dear to my heart! I have searched this long to finally having found that the ambiguous "M Studios" stamp on the bottom is Gina M Studios and there are many other plates! Excuse my excitement...please send me info!


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for commenting! I love hearing what you think! XO