Sunday, February 28, 2010


Here's the first little quilt I'm making with Bar Harbor fabric which is now in the shop. As you can see I've put one small navy border on to contain all the crazy action from the triangle blocks. The question is: should I put on another border? Maybe a big red one? What do you think? I'm open to suggestion! Thanks!


  1. The triangles are so small and so busy that a wide border may take away from the triangles. A pieced border (more triangles) might look good now and then a slightly wider border than the blue.

    It's also beautiful right now.

  2. hmm, I think it needs a big wide solid border to help balance the business of the triangles. I think the red would be good, but you could also do a white one that's about 1/2 the thickness of the blue, and then a red that's thicker.

  3. Thanks for stopping by! I, too think another border--beautiful!!

  4. I've never completed a quilt, yet, but I think that your quilt would look good with another border added on. I think it would make the triangles a little less overwhelming.

  5. I think white might make it look crisp. what color is your binding? It looks really colorful and bright!

  6. Hi Bev- my advice, follow your instincts. But if you want to listen to us, I am with Erin. I think a wide red border would look fantastic. What an amazing quilt, it's beautiful.

  7. Thanks all! It's made from CHEATER fabric! Pre-printed triangles we sell at the shop...took about 30 minutes to put that border piecing! I think I will put a larger, red border on...

    Still open to suggestion though. XOXO Bev


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for commenting! I love hearing what you think! XO