Thursday, December 31, 2009


Resolution: Laugh more this year!


  1. Hi Bev and Happy New Years!!! I think your NY's resolution is the BEST one I've ever seen and one that can't be broken...I think I'll make it mine too!
    I am so sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you about your comment, but thank you for visiting me and loving my blog and adding you to your list. Fabrics have always been one of my passions even though I don't have a clue about quilting. You have a wealth of information and fun stuff here...I'll be back many times over ;-).

    Happy New Year!!!!
    xoxo Cori

  2. Hi Bev,
    I tried adding you to my blog roll and it said it couldn't detect a feed. Do you have any idea why?
    ;-( cori


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for commenting! I love hearing what you think! XO